South Vietnam – 50 XU 1968 vf currency note


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SKU: Kbc 17xv Category:



These notes were printed in the People’s Republic of China for use in South Vietnam after liberation by the National Liberation Front. They were never issued, because they were captured during a joint US / South Vietnam military operation into Cambodia. Relatively few survived in uncirculated condition. Their date was recently changed from 1963 to 1968 after a Chinese book described the notes as being printed in 1968. This indicates they were intended for the second money conversion in South Vietnam, which never happened.


Issuer South Vietnam 
Issuing regime Second Republic (1967-1976)
Type Local banknotes
Year 1968
Value 50 Xu (0.50)
Composition Paper
Size 115 × 57 mm
Shape Rectangular
Demonetized Yes

References P# R3