British West Africa – 1 Penny 1936 Edward VIII scarce holed coin
Search Results for: holed
British West Africa : 1/10 penny 1950 KN , George VI holed coin
British West Africa : 1/10 penny 1950 KN , George VI holed coin
British West Africa : 1/10 penny 1949 H , George VI holed coin
British West Africa : 1/10 penny 1949 H , George VI holed coin
British West Africa : 1/10 penny 1947 , George VI holed coin
British West Africa : 1/10 penny 1947 , George VI holed coin
Greece Kingdom – 5,10,20 lepta 1912 , set of 3 holed coins
Greece Kingdom – 5,10,20 lepta 1912 , set of 3 holed coins
Palestine – 5 mils CN 1927 holed coin
British West Africa : 1 penny 1956 KN , QE II bronze holed coin
British West Africa : 1 penny 1956 KN , QE II bronze holed coin
British West Africa – 1/10 Penny 1926 G V , holed coin
British West Africa – 1/10 Penny 1926 G V , holed coin
Fiji Island -1/2 penny 1943 scarce brass holed coin
Palestine – 10 mils 1927 holed coin
Palestine – 10 mils 1935 holed coin